30 research outputs found


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    Lexical Analysis with the Use of Aho-Korasick Automata in Prolog Language

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    This paper discusses implementation in Prolog and the use of Aho-Korasick automata in lexical analysis. The choice of any of the system approaches known so far depends, among other things, on the choice of the lexical analyser\u27s implementation language. Although ali algorithms referred to in the paper are procedura!, the algorithm based on Aho-Korasick automata is suitable for an implementation in Prolog as a non-procedural language, since the predicates realizing finite automata can be implemented relatively easy. Besides, as a single-pass algorithm, it recognizes ali key-words from the input word. The automaton constructed and the program it is implemented in are a part of a deductive mechanism preprocessor for the estimation of multiple valued dependences of relation data base model.Ovaj se rad bavi implementacijom u Prologu i primjenom Aho-Korasickova automata u rjeŔavanju problema leksičke analize. Izbor bilo kojeg od danas poznatih sistemskih pristupa rjeŔavanju problema leksičke analize ovisi medu ostalim i o izboru jezika implementacije leksičkog analizatora. lako su svi algoritmi koji se u radu spominju proceduralnog tipa, algoritam temeljen na Aho-Korasickovim automatima pogodan je za implementaciju u Prologu kao neproceduralnom jeziku, jer se predikati koji ostvaruju konačne automate dadu relativno lako implementirati. S druge strane algoritam je jednoprolazan i u tome jedinom prolazu raspoznaje sve ključne riječi koje se pojavljuju u zadanoj ulaznoj riječi. Konstruirani automat i program u kojem je implementiran dio su pretprocesora za deduktivni mehanizam za račun viŔeznačnih ovisnosti relacijskog modela podataka


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    This article examines the possibilities of mapping the structure of classical information sources (dictionaries, ...) in to the hypertext structure. The hypertext structure enables more efficient usage of the mapped resources (enriching it with new multimedia sources, databases and knowledge bases\u27 structuring, ...). The idea is to interpret the classical information source as formal language, and it shall be demonstrated using the example of the classical dictionary, but it is nevertheless equally applicable to all (similar) types of classical information sources. The adequate technical basis for the implementation is to be seen in the logic programming language Prolog. The method, called Conceptual Prolog Engine, has been formed and developed in this environment

    Ontology in Information Security

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    The past several years we have witnessed that information has become the most precious asset, while protection and security of information is becoming an ever greater challenge due to the large amount of knowledge necessary for organizations to successfully withstand external threats and attacks. This knowledge collected from the domain of information security can be formally described by security ontologies. A large number of researchers during the last decade have dealt with this issue, and in this paper we have tried to identify, analyze and systematize the relevant papers published in scientific journals indexed in selected scientific databases, in period from 2004 to 2014. This paper gives a review of literature in the field of information security ontology and identifies a total of 52 papers systematized in three groups: general security ontologies (12 papers), specific security ontologies (32 papers) and theoretical works (8 papers). The papers were of different quality and level of detail and varied from presentations of simple conceptual ideas to sophisticated frameworks based on ontology

    Modeling and solving self-referential puzzles

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    The so-called self-referential puzzles are a very interesting kind of logic puzzles, aiming at developing the skill of logical thinking. A self-referential puzzle consists of a sequence of questions about the puzzle itself. In this paper, we shall show some selfreferential puzzles, demonstrate how to model and solve them as propositional logic problems, and how to mechanically generate new puzzles. For this, we shall make use of the specific advantages of Mozart/Oz system ā€“ the finite domain constraint programming language and environment. We shall also show some new puzzles, according to our best knowledge not yet published elsewhere. The program in Mozart/Oz using our method generated these puzzles


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    U člankuje opisana jedna aritmetičko-logička glavolomka, tzv. problem piste. Zatim je dano mehanička rjeÅ”enje glavolomke u jeziku logičkog programiranja PDC Prolog. To znači da je problem adekvatno formaliziran sredstvima jezika, a njegovo rjeÅ”enje reprezentirano kao ciljni predikat pripadnog Prolog programa. Sam proces izračunavanja rjeÅ”enja prepuÅ”ten je deduktivnom mehanizmu PDC Prologa. U okviru formalne reprezentacije problema razvijen je niz predikata. Logika programa realizirana je sistemskim predikatima cut (rez) i fail (neuspjeh). Rezultati rada programa dani su u priloženoj .LOG datoteci. Iz podataka koje ona sadrži moguće je rekonstruirati proces rjeÅ”avanja problema. Tekst datoteke je komentiran da bi se olakÅ”alo njegovo razumijevanje.In this article a nontrivial example of logico-arithmetical puzzle, so called runway problem is set and solved. The obtained solution is a mechanical one, in the sense that the problem is adequately formalized by means of the language (PDC Prolog), while the solution of the problem is acomplished by running Prolog\u27s deductive mechanism. As a tools for controlling the logic of the program we have used the PDC Prolog\u27s primitive predicates, namely the \u27cut\u27 and the \u27fail\u27 predicates


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    Temu ovoga rada čini razmatranje nekih aspekata modeliranja ljuski ekspertnih sistema. To se prvenstveno odnosi na formalne metode specifikacije pojedinih modula ljuske. Vezano za pretpostavljene problemske sredine, važna je specifikacija grafičkog editora formula jezika računa predikata prvog reda. U radu je dana BN - specifikacija gramatike jezika računa predikata prvog reda kao osnova za generiranje sintaktičkog analizatora. Generirani sin taktički analizator služi dalje kao predprocesor deduktivnog mehanizma. Nadalje, analiziran je primjer SF- specifikacije fragmenta hipotetičkoq editora i demonstrirana mogućnost implementacije njegovih funkcija u jeziku PDC Prolog


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    Razvoj sistemske programske podrÅ”ke za računala pete generacije ide u smjeru objedinjavanja glavnih dostignuća prethodne faze razvoja. To su s jedne strane svakako relacijske baze podataka kao, slobodno se može reći , ekspertni sistemi vrhunske složenosti sposobni za obuhvat i veoma složene transakcije ogromnih količina podataka izloženih svima vrstama prostorne i vremenske nestabilnosti. Drugi smjer razvoja kulminirao je implementacijom izražajnih mogućnosti i deduktivne snage računa predikata prvog reda i nekih srodnih logičkih sistema gotovo u punom obimu. Mislimo pritom na jezik PROLOG i njegove, već sad mnogobrojne derivate. Ovakva sinteza naravno ne bi bila moguća bez odgovarajuće interakcije na teorijskom nivou između teorije relacijskih baza podataka s jedne i matematičke logike s druge strane. Njena bit je u logičkoj interpretaciji temeljnih pojmova relacijskog modela baze podataka uključujući i aksiomatiku funkcijskih i viÅ”eznačnih zavisnosti. U ovom radu dane su formulacije računa funkcijskih i viÅ”eznačnih zavisnosti u duhu računa sudova i izloženi su rezultati koji kulminiraju metateoremom o ekvivalentnosti tih računa i nekih fragmenata računa sudova. Time je postala moguća primjena pravila rezolucije za račun sudova kao pravila izvoda na razne probleme izvedivosti za račune funkcijskih i viÅ”eznačnih zavisnosti


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    [n this paper, we characterize the integrated agent in multi-agent systems. The following result is proved: if a multi-agent system is reflexive (symmetric, transitive, Euclidean) then the integrated agent of the multi-agent system is reflexive (symmetric, transitive, Euclidean), respectively. We also prove that the analogous result does not hold for multi-agent system\u27s serial ness. A knowledge relationship between the integrated agent and agents in a multiagent system is presented